October 5, 2009

New Contest! Two T-Shirts from PurplenGoldLA! (Andrew Bynum and Shannon Brown)

Great news everyone! We're continuing with the PurplenGoldLA T-shirt Contest!

Since we didn't have a winner in the last contest, we're carrying over the "Throwing It Down Like Shannon Brown" t-shirt to this week's contest! That means we're giving away two PurplenGoldLA shirts to one lucky individual.

We're giving away the Andrew Bynum-inspired "Big Bad Bynum" shirt along with the Shannon Brown shirt:

Whoa! Aren't those the perfect pair of shirts for the Los Angeles Lakers fan?

There are 3 ways to join this contest:
  1. Blog comment - Post a comment in this blog with your name and email address. One blog comment counts as one (1) raffle entry and one person can only have a maximum of one raffle entry via this method.
  2. Blog post - If you have your own blog or if you have an account on Facebook, write a blog entry (or write a note if you're in Facebook) that has a link going to this blog post. After writing your entry, post a comment here with the blog post's or note's permalink. (For the Facebook note, a permalink looks like this: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=141400159738). Each blog post or note counts for five (5) raffle entries. A person can post up to ten (10) blog posts or Facebook notes.
  3. Twitter - Post a tweet with the text "Big Lakers Fan: Get a FREE PurplenGoldLA T-Shirt!" with a link going to this blog post and the tweet must have the following hashtag:  #purplengoldla. Each tweet will count for two (2) raffle entries. A person can post a maximum of ten (10) tweets. Bonus: Followers of @Regnard and @PurplenGoldLA double their Twitter raffle entries for each person followed.
Aren't the contest rules simple?!? The deadline for the entries is next week, October 12, 2009 11:59 EST.

Just remember that we can only send the t-shirt to a valid shipping address in the United States.



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