January 8, 2011

NBA Doesn't Let Shannon Dunk

Last year, there was much hoopla surrounding the anticipation whether Shannon Brown would be joining the NBA Dunk Contest. It made perfect sense: Brown was a high flyer that electrified crowds with his forays to the basket. He also was seen as a player who had yet to get a break, until he joined the Los Angeles Lakers. Pairing that with the league's desire to add up and coming players, it was a matter of Brown getting an invite.

It also helped that the fans were abuzz about it. There was a pretty good viral campaign with the Let Shannon Dunk website getting traction among the Laker fans.

However, with the poor performance of Shannon Brown in the 2010 NBA Dunk Contest (he finished third out of a lot of four) a lot of people (and I guess the NBA) were disappointed. The result? No Shannon Brown in the dunk contest.

If you ask me, that's perfectly fine-- I don't think anyone can beat Human Dunk Machine Blake Griffin in this year's dunk contest.

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